Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Mag 178

Painting by Andrew Wyeth

Sponsored by [Magpie Tales]

Tigator Trippin’
They said that it would be fun.  Oh yeah, waking up standing stark naked next to a motorcycle out in the middle of nowhere is loads of fun.

Where am I?  Did I ride the bike to get here?  Lots of questions with no answers to be easily found, it would seem.

What was that?  Yeah, they also said, “Take this pill.”  So, am I hallucinating?  What’s with that moon being so big?

What is that standing over there in the shadows?  No, it can’t be.  For tigators cannot really exist.  After all, how can they poop?  If something can’t poop, they are not going to last very long—let alone sustain a bloodline!

What was that pill, anyway?  Whoa, feeling kinda dizzy here.

When Andrew awoke, his head was spinning like a Whirling Dervish.  Lingering thoughts of what he wanted to believe was just quite a dream were even more unsettling.

He sighed in relief when he reached out with his left hand and touched the headboard of his bed.  Nope, he was not standing stark naked next to a motorcycle out in the middle of nowhere.

Something stirring in bed next to him was rather startling, however.  Was that purring he was hearing?

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  1. nice one, jerry!

    that painting (which i saw for the first time on another blog this week for this writing challenge) is so odd for wyeth!

  2. Interesting story. The purring cat is a nice transition to the present.

  3. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Adullamite!!! Which part?

  4. Thanks for stopping by, my dear TWG!!! I didn't think I was familiar with his work until I looked him up. Yeah, there are times when Arlynda seems to have a point about me becoming older and more decrepit with each passing moment.

  5. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Gerry!!! Be assured that I greatly appreciate the encouragement.

  6. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Tess!!! WOOF!

  7. And just how many of those pills did you take? :)

  8. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Ann!!! Enough?

  9. I warned you about those mushrooms, Jerry!

  10. Well, I "saw" the two-wheeler, and could not resist, especially when it began talking to me. My NEW! Flex-2 converse as we travel around the state.

    Always expect to wake up and find that I have no motorcycle, but it never happens.

    For you, Sir, dream on. It is becoming, you won't freeze out there, and if that purring motor in your bed gets hot. Well.......

    Thanks for dropping by!

  11. I noticed when reading the guide for tonight's TV viewing that the new season of "The Killing" starts tonight! Yippee!

    That certainly was a pleasant discovery. I'm not sure how I missed that until today. I'm usually ahead of the game...and the guide!

  12. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Lee!!! Come to think of it, it just might have been something I ate...

  13. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Steve E!!! Well, My wife and I have become so old and decrepit that the only animal sounds to be heard coming from our bed are growls from our puppies when one of us intrudes upon their space. Sad, so very sad, I know.

  14. Thanks for stopping by again, my dear Lee!!! I am really glad to hear that you-all are now getting the new season. Could it be that the reason why it is on a different schedule is on account of it being winter down there, which would make for different viewing habits?

  15. Kitty, or? Ha! Ha! I really enjoyed your take on this. Not so sure I'm going to be able to put words and thoughts or any kind of ideas with this image in my head! :)

  16. Yikes! Hope its not a tigator!
    Excellent Jerry.
    Anna :o]

  17. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Karen!!! I really struggled with this prompt, and it was not until the very last second before it came together. Of course, most would say that it sure didn't turn out to be much. Sigh.

  18. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Anna!!! Yeah, that was what I was alluding to. Since you got it, does this mean that you may be as disturbed as I naturally am? (LOL?)

  19. What was that pill, anyway? Whoa, feeling kinda dizzy here.

    Pill popping is a wondeful thing for some. Fo others these are obsessions. Nicely Jerry!


  20. We chased our pleasures here,
    Dug our treasures there,
    But can you still recall
    The time we cried?
    Break on through to the other side! "

    - Jim Morrison
    The Doors

    Cheers mate

  21. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Hank!!! Yep, what might be a dream for one will be a nightmare for another.

  22. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Kutaman!!! Yeah, the boy certainly had some things to say, and he said them well for the most part.

  23. All's well that purringly ends well!

  24. Very trippy and most amusing! Glad it was a dream

  25. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Helena!!! With four cats in the house, we sure hope so.

  26. Thanks for stopping by, my dear MLM!!! There is still some debate on that.


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