Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Mag 176

Supermoon 2013, Julio Cortez, AP

Sponsored by [Magpie Tales]

A Pink Moon
Is it half full or half empty?  Surely it has to be much more the later than the former.  For we have lost so many of our liberties.

At least the engines of industry keep humming…or is it more of a drone?  Alas, they do so tug at the fabric of American society.  Many would argue that they made this country great, and the voices of the silenced are rarely heard.

Be assured that a pink moon is merely a faint foreshadowing of the blood red moon that will rise soon enough and not set until the damage has been done.  Still, the end of this world will not yet be, but who is so blind as the one who does not want to see?

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  1. Strangely curious, and curiously strange. Well done.

  2. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Browne!!! Be assured that I have a lot of help (naturally-speaking, of course).

  3. Very full- very blessed. We need to look for the positive, every moment of every day-& be grateful!

  4. i must be one who does not want to see as i try to keep a rosier outlook for the world, even as it is... :)

  5. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Adullamite!!! Indeed.

  6. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Izzy!!! Yes, the end of this world really is something to look forward to.

  7. Thanks for stopping by, my dear TWG!!! Be assured that I was right in there with you on that back when I believed that life in this world was good. Alas, it really is good--just not in the way that we naturally think, but this is not the place to offer a further explanation. If you are curious, please check out what I have been given to say in the books at FishHawk Droppings.


  8. Thought-provoking little write...thank you...

  9. sad, and sadly true...
    (& funny, I thought of that moon as half-full, half-empty too - it does rather strike one).

  10. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Gautami!!! I am glad you enjoyed it.

  11. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Tess!!! Thank you for providing me with another vehicle to be provoking. (LOL?)

  12. Thanks for stopping by, my dear TM!!! I do not think we will see any drastic changes anytime soon--neither to the worse, nor to the better, which is bad enough in and of itself. Sigh.

  13. Unsettling, which goes to show that you did a good job of it.


  14. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Sue!!! Alas, I cannot naturally blame people for shying away from disturbing imagery, but there is hope to be found in the absolute truth of the matter truly being that this world was never meant to last but for a little while in comparison to the whole of eternity.

  15. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Ann!!! Be assured that I greatly appreciate the encouragement.

  16. powerful and provocative thought expressed and invited in such few paragraphs. Well done.

  17. Your words are rich, and feasible in such a world of today, and another reason why my secret quiet little self always puts on my rose-colored glasses....otherwise, well I wouldn't even want to venture what if ! Great Magpie friend!

  18. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Donna!!! Short and not so sweet--huh?

  19. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Karen!!! The key is to know and understand that everything that has ever happened has been by design, and to want to believe that our Heavenly Father will pour out His gratitude upon all who will but want to give Him the full benefit of their considerable doubts. Of course, that includes fully accepting that we are in need of a Savior, and that is farther than what far too many are willing to go, which causes Him a great deal of anguish--be assured.

  20. well written.. the last line is so true - those who do not want to see are truly blind..

  21. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Lady!!! Alas, there have been times when I have been as blind as anyone can be, and there are still times when I do not want to see as well as I could.


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