Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Sunday Drive

Back during my childhood, our parents would often load up my brother and I after Sunday morning church services for a leisurely drive around where we lived. Even though we were seeing mostly familiar sights, it was still good to see them, and this is why “A Sunday Drive” sounded about right for the name of a weekly series revisiting familiar sites that are well worth seeing again and again.


  1. Thank u very much for the link in your blog, I fell very glad.
    Very nice blog u have.
    Happy eater.

  2. You are most welcome, and thanks for being so considerate, my dear Andre!!! You are indeed a great photographer. I hope you and yours are having a great Easter weekend.

  3. Very funny! It's a clearn Lent joke!

  4. Thanks for the link to my blog! I wish everyone a Happy Easter!

  5. I hope you had a good Easter. My Sunday Drive / hike was about six miles from home - down an old country road that ended at a closed bridge - hiked across the bridge and on into a nature preserve - all was quiet amongst the creatures today. A nice area that will soon be booming with life as Spring takes over from Winter.

  6. Sorry, but I don't get it, my dear Salem.

  7. You are most welcome, and thanks for being so considerate, my dear Cheryl!!! Despite it being rather cold and quite rainy around here, we had a good Easter anyway.

  8. Alas, the accounts of your adventures bring back such memories, my dear Mike. Oh how I wish I could go out and wander around in the woods again. Please keep 'em comin', however.

  9. Hi FishHawk,

    Thank you very much for the Easter gift..

    I am glad you have picked up my all in one..

  10. You are most welcome, and thank for being so considerate, my dear SilentSurfer!!!


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