Tuesday, August 14, 2007

TCC: The Thirteeneth Crumb, Part II

Little did I know at the time that by hoping for the best: I was hoping for more of the same; and possibly much worse. For the more His children by faith are subjected unto great suffering: the more our Heavenly Father is glorified. For it is relatively easy to love someone who always does what you want them to; but it takes a very special kind of love to stay with someone who does not.

Yes, many have been led to believe that our Heavenly Father wants all of His children by faith to be healthy, wealthy and wise: even while still being in this world; but it should not be hard to see that they have been woefully deceived. Just take a look at some of the experiences of the Apostle Paul.

No, this is not to say that one can always tell who is truly a Christian by the wretchedness of their life in this world. For it all depends upon what our Heavenly Father wants to accomplish in and through someone that determines what kind of a life they will have in this world.

Tak about being cruel: such are the doctrines of "Prosperity Theology" (a.k.a: name it, claim it). For they dictate that it is because of a great lack of faith that someone is sick or poor.

Alas, cannot the same be said for monastic life? For many have been lead to believe this is what is necessary in order to enter into the very presence of our Heavenly Father.

No, "hoping for the best" has nothing to do with self-flagellation, nor with the making of any vows. For only what is in accordance unto "our Heavenly Father's will" really counts.

Neither does it have anything to do with our Heavenly Father having a rather sadistic sense-of-humor. For the love that He has for us is more pure and greater than what we can even start to naturally comprehend.

Nonetheless: it does have everything to do with what is commonly referred unto as being: "the true meaning of life". For we (as in: all of mankind) were created to be our Heavenly Father's children by faith in order to give Himself opportunities to receive love that is freely given from us; and it is a very special kind of love that He most wants to receive: be assured.

Yes, considering what a mess this world has almost always be in: it does seem much more likely that most (if not: all) of us were created to be the objects of His wrath (certainly not His affections); and if our physical lives in this world was all that there will ever be unto us: it would be hard to argue with that. For no one is given a choice of whether or not they want to physically live the lives that they are meant to in this world.

Nonetheless: let it be widely known and clearly understood that the absolute truth of the matter truly is that our Heavenly Father is completely fair. For all who reach their own age of accountability before their time as a part of this world comes unto an end are given a choice of whether or not they want to spend all of eternity with Him in His Kingdom of Heaven as an heir unto all that is His in glory; and in regards unto those who do not reach their own age of accountability before their time as a part of this world comes unto an end: be assured that they will be given the same choice "AFTER" being welcomed into our Heavenly Father's Kingdom of Heaven as an heir unto all that is His in glory.

In fact: "ALL" who are welcomed into our Heavenly Father's Kingdom of Heaven are given the same choice. For it would not fulfill His purposes to force anyone to spend all of eternity with Him against their will.

Yes, I now have an answer for Darrell Greenstreet's question about why a loving God would allow a bus-load of innocent children to die if He could do anything about it. For the answer is: in order to give us another opportunity to truly give our Heavenly Father the benefit of our doubts so that He can receive some more love of a very special kind.

Is it worth the effort? Oh yes, be assured. For great will be the joy of our Heavenly Father when the time comes for Him to gather all of His children by faith unto Himself; and He promises that all of the pain and suffering of this world is as nothing in comparison unto the glory of our lives with Him in His Kingdom of Heaven forever and ever. AMEN!!!

No, not all of this was understood in the beginning. For that has taken years.

Nonetheless: do not be discouraged. For it may come a lot sooner for you.

Furthermore: you may receive even more! For it is absolutely true that the road that our Heavenly Father wants us to travel is a narrow one; but that is not to say that it is always the same one.

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