Saturday, March 17, 2012

Trib Updates

This is a weekly series that will include a brief summary of the latest articles that have been published on The Tribulation Times Herald-Exhorter.  Hopefully, this will encourage you to go check out some truly outstanding articles that have been published by a number of truly outstanding authors.  Moreover, I hope this will also encourage you to want to become a contributing member/author, as well.  The “Hear Ye!  Hear Ye!” site explanation near the top of the side-bar should answer many of your questions.  Yes, this series also included an “SOS! (Spam On Saturdays)”  segment before, but it just wasn’t working for me.  Therefore, that will be replaced by a republishing of one of the Trib articles.

[James Stewart Survives…] is from RN with a video clip about a rather unbelievable story.

[How to fix a scratched CD] is from RN with a video clip about an equally unbelievable subject.

[Objections to the book of Joshua] contains some observations from RN.

[Happy Now?] is from me with a video clip about something that should make RN very happy.

Link: [On MSNBC]

What is even more horrifying to me is that there are still thousands upon thousands (if not millions upon millions) who hang on her every word in the hope of learning how to save our country from the evils of liberalism.  Why?  Seriously, would someone please help me understand?

Please Also Visit:


  1. passing a little of the blarney on today? :)

  2. Thanks for stopping by again, my dear Ann!!! Yep.


Since the Blogger spam filter has been found sorely lacking lately, I will start moderating comments. Be assured that I am only interested in deleting spam. So, if you feel a need to take me to task over something—even anonymously, go ahead and let 'er rip, and I will publish it as soon as I can.