I have been repeatedly warned about wanting to be myself too much, but I have insisted upon going ahead anyway. For I love to have fun whenever possible, and I felt like it would be all right as long as I guarded against taking it too far.
What I am talking about is my natural sense of humor. For I love poking fun at people, which can be very easily taken the wrong way at times.
In all fairness, I love being poked back at even more, and that is supposed to even things out in my mind. For one should not seek to give anyone the business if they are unwilling to take what may be thrown back, but it is all predicated upon each understanding that it is all meant in good fun, of course.
A good example of such involves the “fun” that I have been having with Joel of
[Stuff and Nonsense] lately. It also serves as a good example of how it can all go so very wrong. Hence, the parentheses around fun.
It all started when the lovely Ms. Mad Margo of
[The Screaming Me-Me!!!] posted an
[ad] for a husband, which listed the qualities that she was looking for in a man. Joel first left a comment about him not being sure if he qualified, but that he was willing to undergo testing. The next day he left another comment expressing his disappointment over the fact that she had not responded to his application.
Now, just to be clear, none of that was meant to be serious—not the ad itself, nor any of Joel’s comments. Well, at least that is what I think is the truth. (I’m trying to be funny here. Okay?)
The next step came when Joel posted about how he could not understand why anyone would want to spend
[$7,000 on a purse]. Since I had tested his responses a little in the past, I felt fairly safe to leave a comment about how it was beneath his breeding to understand such things, and that if he did, he might have a shot at wooing the lovely Ms. Mad Margo despite his shortcomings. Joel absorbed my feigned insult beautifully, and I thought it was the beginning of a wonderful friendship.
His next post was about
[Disorganized Crime], which presented me with another opportunity to smart off about him getting a $7,000 purse to woo the lovely Ms. Mad Margo. Again, he handled it beautifully.
After going back and forth on a few more posts, the wheels started coming off when I gave him what I meant as being a very honorable mention in my post about
[comments]. For he took great offense to me saying that he did not have much of a life.
I thought everything had been smoothed over in the comments of
[Forecasting Economics], but then he posted
[Praising God] on the very same day. The timing was just too much for me, and it was my turn to take great offense.
Things didn’t get really ugly to me, however, until he deleted the comment that I felt compelled to leave on
[Wanted: Electronic Bilge Detector] after seeing his reference to empirical evidence in the post itself. For that was another cheap shot directed at least at my calling, even if not at me personally.
As if that was not bad enough, he went on a tirade about the comment after I asked him if it had been deleted, which was portraying me in a very poor light since no one could see that the comment was not nearly as bad as he was making it out to be. Come on now, what was so wrong about, “If you have been lying around thinking of ways to present stuff that is meant to be funny in a very unfunny manner, be assured that you have been very successful at it lately. Hence, the nonsense part—right?”
Yes, I am all too painfully aware of how pathetic all of this sounds to most, and that I am the one who does not have much of a life. That is just the thing. For this sort of thing is a big part of the life that I have been called to live. For I have been anointed as a special messenger of our Heavenly Father, and there is
[more] going on here than just a childish squabble between two grown men who should have much better things to do.
Be assured that those who have been given eyes to see will see it, and those who do not have a clue will remain clueless for at least the time being. May they want to truly walk in the Light of His absolute Truth when the time comes for them to be led out of the darkness of Spiritual ignorance.