Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Sunday Drive

Back during my childhood, our parents would often load up my brother and me after Sunday morning church services for a leisurely drive around where we lived.  Even though we were seeing mostly familiar sights, it was still good to see them, and this is why “A Sunday Drive” sounded about right for the name of a weekly series revisiting familiar sites that are well worth seeing again and again.  The link below the image is to the site itself, and the image is linked to the post it was first included in here.

 Link: [Assorted]


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  1. Hi Jerry, thanks so much for including my blog in your Sunday drive. And I love the name you've chosen for this series. We used to go for a Sunday drive with my parents when we were young too - as it usually concluded with an Icecream it was the most anticipated event of the week!

  2. You are most welcome, and thanks for being so considerate, my dear Amanda!!! Yes, we would also have a treat along the way, and the threat of not stopping for one would sometimes keep me better behaved.

  3. the 'peep show' photo made me laugh! so cute and creative. :)

  4. Jerry, thank you. How nice to be included in your Sunday drive. You brought back a fond memory of my family drives.

  5. Thanks for stopping by, my dear TWG!!! Yeah, it sure is cute. Although, it does make me wonder just exactly why Arlynda loves them so much...

  6. You are most welcome, and thanks for being so considerate, my dear Ann!!! Your incredible hamburger and steak fries brought back fond memories of when I still had teeth. Sigh.

  7. Many thanks, Jerry, for choosing my blog as part of your Sunday Drive. I've really enjoyed browsing your blog and I tried to sign up as a follower, but GFC isn't being cooperative at the moment. I'll be back and read more. Thanks again and have a nice day!

  8. The picture of the burger and fries brought tears to my eyes. It's been a while since I've had something like that

  9. You are most welcome, and thanks for being so considerate, my dear Cheryl!!! I don't know what is going with Google's Friend Connect. For it was supposed to be shut down several months ago, but it appears to still be working at times.

  10. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Ann!!! Yeah, me too. Did you hear where a new scientific study has determined that post-menopausal women are much more likely to develop heart problems when they consume diet soft drinks? No, I am not kidding about this.

  11. Appreciate your recommendation of my blog here and the support you give to so many bloggers. Nice images too by the way.

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  12. You are most welcome, and thanks for being so considerate, my dear Lee!!! Be assured that I greatly appreciate the encouragement.


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