Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Mag 186

Sponsored by [Magpie Tales]

An Ode to St. Ninian’s Isle
Time passes
Memories fade
Dust collects
On untold treasures
No more people to plunder
No more Vikings to invade
Yet you remain the same
St. Ninian’s Isle
A breakwater against
The fierce North Sea
Waves still crash
Winds still howl
Shetland ponies still balk and bite
At the sight
Of your shoreline
May you remain the same
St. Ninian’s Isle
Until the elements melt
At the very end
Of this world
Then may you be recreated
St. Ninian’s Isle
As a haven in warm waters
May your green grasses grow
May your cool streams flow
Basking in the glory
Of the Son

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  1. I think I could spend some time there...I wouldn't mind it at all! As long as I had enough warm clothes; some good music and my two furry, four-legged mates who think they are humans, anyway! Oh! And some food, too..perhaps even some fish and chips! :)

  2. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Lee!!! Yes, fish and chips would most definitely be required for survival.

  3. Thanks for stopping by, my dear TWG!!! Be assured that it is not of me.

  4. I like the spiritual touch at the end ...very nice...

  5. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Julie!!! Hey, every once in awhile, I really do pay attention. (LOL?)

  6. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Tess!!! I am glad.

  7. Lovely ode, fitting tribute to St. Ninian's Isle.

  8. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Helen!!! Be assured that I greatly appreciate the encouragement.

  9. I couldn't resist writing among this thought as well. A very vivid and lovely tale, about a place so worthy of a visit by all. Very nice.

  10. I'm thinking if I'm looking for warm sandy beaches this place isn't it

  11. Lovely description of an isle in a wild sea.

  12. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Karen!!! Oh yeah, I would love to pay the place a visit if I could.

  13. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Ann!!! No, I don't think it ever really gets warm there now.

  14. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Friko!!! I am really glad you enjoyed this.

  15. A fine watchtower you have constructed, Jerry

  16. I feel the crashing waves, hear the wind howl...Yes, remain the same!

  17. So true Jerry as much as things change they remain the same and nature changes very slowly. I want to lay down in green grasses by cool streams. Thanks for stopping by pw!

  18. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Kutamun!!! Be assured that I greatly appreciate the encouragement.

  19. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Lyn!!! 'Twas relatively easy to wax poetic about such things from the comfort of my own home. (LOL?)

  20. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Bekkie!!! May we all be able to honestly look forward to what is yet to come.

  21. I think it looks pretty nice already, but there's always room for divine improvement!

  22. Thanks for stopping by, my dear ~T~!!! Indeed.

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