Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rick Shortt & Hotbox

If you are ever in the [Springfield, MO] area and are in the mood to cut a rug (that’s dance, for you young whipper-snappers), you would do well to find a venue where Rick Shortt & Hotbox are playing. For they are not bad at all.

Yes, a diamond in the rough would be an apt description of the band. For they are not quite yet [Blood, Sweat and Tears], nor [John Cafferty & The Beaver Brown Band], but they are very capable of keeping you entertained for the evening, which is the whole point—right?

No, this is not a paid advertisement. We do, however, live in the same city, and after their manager repeatedly asking my wife and I go and see them in person, it just wouldn’t be right to fail to give them some more exposure. Of course, since this sure ain’t much of a review, they may be regretting ever getting in contact with me in the first-place.

Anyway, a couple of videos of their performance at the Christian County Fair last summer will do more for them than anything I could have to say. Considering the fact that the videos are not some big studio production, they do a good job of broadcasting their talents.

Link: [On YouTube]

Diamond In The Rough
Rick Shortt & Hotbox

Link: [On YouTube]

Rockstars & Protein Bars
Rick Shortt & Hotbox

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]


  1. Oh gee, I feel old now, I know what cut a rug means :)
    They aren't too bad, I could listen

  2. Oh, but you sure don't look it, my dear Ann. As in regards to the band, I would love to go out and see them perform in person, but both my wife and I really are too old and decrepit to even be allowed in the places they mostly play at. Thanks for stopping by again!!!


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