Saturday, November 21, 2009

Oh No He Did-int Again!

According to the [Wiktionary], to bow and scrape is to make a deep bow with the right leg drawn back (thus scraping the floor), left hand pressed across the abdomen, right arm held aside, and this is what some on the conservative side of the American political spectrum are accusing President Obama of doing again. Well, not exactly. For it is actually the second part of the definition of bowing and scraping that they are concerned about, which is to show excessive politeness or servility.

To get even more technical about it, it is the part about excessive servility that really has their dander up. For excessive servility boils down to being [submissive—even slavish].

If that was indeed the case, I would have to agree with their outrage. For we did not elect President Obama to prostrate himself (and our country) before anyone but our Heavenly Father, and far too many would take great exception to that last part—much to their detriment [Proverbs 16:18] and His dismay [2 Chronicles 7:14].

The thing is that President Obama is doing no such thing. For when he bowed before [King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia] and [Emperor Akihito of Japan], it was a show of respect—not submission.

Alas, is there not enough about the president’s policies for American conservatives to rant and rail about without throwing hissy-fits over such a non-issue? I mean, if the base is not energized to the max over his universal healthcare proposal(s) already, surely the [Contract With America] has expired.

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  1. With so many things wrong in the world today why do some people choose to focus on something as trivial as the manner in which the president chose to bow? Could their time not be spent in a more productive way? And ultimately I believe that an incorrect bow would be more appropriate than, lets say, a common street gesture. Don't ya think? :)

  2. I wonder why deference to local traditions and a nod to age are so blasted out of proportion by the talking heads? I wish we could just vanquish all the hate and sniping from within our own country and concentrate on regaining the right to be a proud country again--by doing things like taking care of our poor, educating our young, caring for our sick without putting those folks into bankruptcy...searching for peace world wide. Imagine if all this negative energy could be harnessed and put to positive ends??

  3. Yes, I agree. When you think about it Jesus portrayed the servant and washed disciples feet. I don't think the current situation went that far though, but he was respectful and diplomatic. However, if that is the example we were shown to follow, than a servant is of the highest position - one of dedication.


  4. The bow may represent the nation's respect or maybe the nation's submission toward the other country. The President is our leader. What he does represents us to the world.

    He may not hold our values, but we are to obey those in authority over us, unless of course it goes against God's authority, "the Word of God."

    Church always ranks first, state ranks anywhere else below Church and family to where we may deem it important.

  5. Well, there are few leaders of other countries that I would naturally like to make a gesture towards (and a whole lot more), but then I would be acting as childish as those who are now throwing hissy-fits over a president of ours actually showing some respect towards another leader for a change. My, oh my, is not no wonder that we are so hated by so many in this world today when far too much of our population agree with them? Of course, having the freedom to make a such public fool out of oneself does demonstrate just how blessed we are to be living here. Thanks for stopping by again, my dear Ann!!!

  6. Since being changed by our Heavenly Father, I am not nearly as amused by the antics of the talking heads on both sides of the American political spectrum as I used to be. In fact, I listened to Rush Limbaugh and several others with religious devotion day after day for quite a while back in the early 90's, but now all I hear is a bunch of bombastic diatribes that is good for nothing more than gaining attention for themselves--certainly not for the good of our country. Please understand that I understand that President Obama is not the kind of leader that we so desperately need right now. For what we need is someone who will be brave enough to clean up much (if not all) of the bureaucratic corruption and incompetency that wastes so much of our resources, which would allow us to do the kind of things that you mentioned without having to raise taxes. Whereas, he has only been interested in making more of it, but he has been doing a fairly good job of repairing the damage that the Bush Administration did to our national image in the eyes of this world. Thanks for stopping by again, my dear Karen!!!

  7. I fully agree with everything you said, my dear DD. Thanks for stopping by again!!!

  8. I understand what you are saying, but it is actually our Heavenly Father who should always come first in our hearts. For He is in full control of the government, and without a very close and personal relationship with Him, the Bible is just another book and the church is just another organization. Just to be clear, when I talk about our Heavenly Father, I am also talking about His only begotten Son, who truly is the Lord Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit. Thanks for stopping by again, my dear George!!!

  9. Drop ec and care to exchange link?

  10. Now that is a humorous comment, my dear Humor Blog. Thanks for stopping by!!!


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