Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Sunday Drive

Back during my childhood, our parents would often load up my brother and I after Sunday morning church services for a leisurely drive around where we lived. Even though we were seeing mostly familiar sights, it was still good to see them, and this is why “A Sunday Drive” sounded about right for the name of a weekly series revisiting familiar sites that are well worth seeing again and again. The link below the image is to the site itself, and the image is linked to the post it was first included in here.

Please Also Visit: [FishHawk Droppings]


  1. Hi Jerry

    Thanks for the inclusion of Artshout for your Sunday Drive!

    Have a nice Sunday.

    All the best - C+P

  2. nice day for a drive and wonderful sites to see also.

  3. You are most welcome, and thanks for being so considerate, my dear(s) Chris n Paul!!! I wish you-all well in the World Cup.

  4. Thanks for stopping by again, my dear Ann!!! Yes, it is indeed a fine day for a drive, and the sites are always better to see with you and Duke along.

  5. Nothing beats a nice leisurely Sunday drive. Well unless a Scotsman is driving, you know what they are all like drunks!!!

    Great list as always, thanks.

  6. Can we beep the horn? Let's play "beep and wave" where we beep at strangers walking down the street and then wave at them like we know them!! I love that game! I like to see their faces when they wonder who we are.

  7. Thanks for stopping by again, my dear Ryan!!! I am, however, rather confused right now. For my friend, Adullamite, claims that Scotsmen are just always primed for action--not necessarily drunk. So, is that really true?

  8. Thanks for stopping by again, my dear Lin!!! I thought that was what you, Ann and Duke were already doing by barking and howling out of the window?

  9. Thanks for stopping by again, my dear Glenn!!! Well, the images have to be already on the site before I can pick them, and the one for "Conversations With Moms" has to be all-time classic.

  10. That baby is too sweet! Visiting from The Sassy Southerner!

  11. Thanks for stopping by, my dear C.J.!!! Um, which one? (LOL?)

    By the way, I just added your great Nursie In Pink blog to the list for a future Sites To See, which means that it will also be included in this series when its turn comes. I will let you know when it is actually included, which will be a while because of how many were already on the list.

  12. Sorry it took so long for me to respond but I really appreciate you adding me to your Sunday drive!

  13. You are most welcome, and thanks for being so considerate, my dear Frye!!! Better late than never. I hope all is going well for you and yours.


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