Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Sunday Drive

Back during my childhood, our parents would often load up my brother and I after Sunday morning church services for a leasurely drive around where we lived. Even though we were seeing mostly familiar sights, it was still good to see them, and this is why “A Sunday Drive” sounded about right for the name of a weekly series revisiting familiar sites that are well worth seeing again and again.


  1. Thank you for including my site!

    Everyone should take a Sunday Drive. We would all be a bit calmer! :)

  2. You are most welcome, and thanks for being so considerate, my dear Lynda!!! Yes, a Sunday drive would do wonders for most, but I'm afraid the environmentalists would not approve. I suppose we could always take Sunday bike rides or walks, but I would hate to side with the health nuts (except for Heidi, the Health Nut Wannabe Mom, of course).

  3. I'm a health nut, but I try not to preach about it too much to my family! I'm an avid walker and get frustrated when the cold, damp weather keeps me more housebound.

    Thank you again for the Sunday Drive. I'll have to check out the other sites you listed.

    Enjoy your day! :)

  4. cool pics as always. i love hearing from you as always.
    God bless,
    We are barely hanging in there.
    Do I still have your email address?

  5. Okay, I'll make an exception for you too, my dear Lynda.

  6. Thanks for stopping by, my dear Lance. Yes, my email address is still:


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