Friday, March 12, 2010

Sites To See

The SOLE purpose of this weekly series is to call attention to sites that I think many would find most interesting—in one way or another. Just to be clear, inclusion in this series is not necessarily meant as a recommendation, and I have included sites that are rather disturbing to me. The link below each image is to the site itself, and each image is linked to the particular post from which it was taken when applicable. Please, go see for yourself.


  1. Thanks for stopping by again, my dear Adullamite!!! (I think.)

  2. Hi there, thanks for including my site in your list!

  3. You are most welcome, and thanks for being so considerate, my dear Raymond!!! Having a rather twisted sense-of-humor myself, I can certainly appreciate yours.

  4. You are most welcome, and thanks for being so considerate, my dear President Anthony!!! Wow, I don't think I've ever had a president visit here before. Are my taxes getting raised now?

  5. Thank you for including my site on the list :)

  6. You are most welcome, and thanks for being so considerate, my dear Sorcerer!!! May none of your conjuring backfire on you.

  7. Hi and thank you so much for including my blog in your listing! I appreciate you coming by and commenting on Bonehead!

  8. Several here I already know quite well and enjoy. Still a lot of new places for me to explore though. I'm a little bugged by that first one :)

  9. You are most welcome, and thanks for being so considerate, my dear Bonehead!!! It is all Glenn's fault, and I am talking about everything here.

  10. Thanks for stopping by again, my dear Ann!!! Just take Duke along while seeing the sites, and I am quite sure that you will be just fine.

  11. You are most welcome, and thanks for being so considerate, my dear Adam!!! Your spider pic appears to be bugging the pretty girls, which is what you were going for--right?

  12. those are some interesting sites this week FishHawk. I see a few that I'm familiar with and a few new ones to visit. another great Friday Tour.

  13. Thanks for stopping by again, my dear BadGal!!! I hope you find some new sites that you will want to see over and over again. By the way, have you found the wayward comment thingy for your BadGals Radio site yet?

  14. Thanks for stopping by again, my dear Glenn!!! I initially picked another image that did not have his adorable bonehead, but I think the one that I finally settled on works. For it hints at the subtle sophistication of his posts--right?

  15. You are most welcome, and thanks for being so considerate, my dear Wenko!!! I'll be over to check out your new site muy pronto.

  16. Thanks for the plug... Though, I wonder under which topic my site fell.. One that disturbed you, or intrigued you in a positive way?

  17. You are most welcome, and thanks for being so considerate, my dear Khaled!!! Sorry, but I am not quite sure which one is yours. For the profile attached to your name does not list a blog, but even if I do find your blog disturbing--just how much of a big deal can that be?

  18. Okay, I was being an idiot again, my dear Khaled. For it came to me that your blog is "The Ranting of a Crazed A-rab." Please be assured that I found nothing disturbing about your posts, and it cracked me up to see you pronounce Arab the way me and my fellow hillbillies do.

  19. Hahaha :)

    Well, I thank you for the plug again, and I appreciate your taking the time to have read through some of my blog. :)

    --the Crazed A-Rab

  20. You are most welcome, my dear Khaled!!! We need crazed a-rabs like you in this world to help us laugh during times when all we want to do is cry.


Since the Blogger spam filter has been found sorely lacking lately, I will start moderating comments. Be assured that I am only interested in deleting spam. So, if you feel a need to take me to task over something—even anonymously, go ahead and let 'er rip, and I will publish it as soon as I can.